60th Reunion Information

NEW UPDATE:  7-21-2024

Please go to the Attendees page to see the latest list,

We are now less than two (2) months from the the 60th reunion.The cost will be $50 per person.  ($100 a couple)Checks or money orders should be made payable to:

WHS CLASS OF 64′        and sent to

Jerry Wienand
108 Lyndon Lane
Baden, PA 15005

Please enclose the names of class members & guests plus contact information.


The 60th Reunion for the Class of 64′ will be held September 25th at the Edgewood Country Club. It will be a 3 hours occasion starting at 11:30am. There be no driving after dark!!!
We need everyone to PLEASE, start spreading the word.  Lunch will be served as a Buffet. If you do not wish to stand in line, a committee member will bring it to your table.

If there is money in the reunion account after the reunion is paid for, we may have a short business meeting to decide on how to direct the funds.


60 is a very big number and special in so many ways. As I am writing this I’m starting to realize just how lucky we are to be able to celebrate the occasion.


If it is not correct, E-mail me ASAP with the corrections.

If you are not on the list, and would like to be, send me your information.

If you do not wish for your information to appear on the WHS 64″ site, send it as confidential and it will be honored as such.




We have four class members that are actively planning a reunion for next year. Other members of the class have expressed an interest in serving and will be added to the committee as needs and logistics come into play. The organizational members are: Diane Bowers Baxter – Marilyn Elder VanOrmer – John Lindberg – Jerry Wienand.

A reunion hotel will be designated with the possibility of a gathering of the class at the hotel the evening before the main event. (Up for major discussion.)  This is still up for discussion.  ANY IDEAS?

Wednesday (mid-week) is being considered for the luncheon as best for those people traveling as well as for financial considerations for the class.
Not everyone is a CLASSMATES member.  We need all class members to pass the word that a reunion will be held next year.
The   wilkinsburg64.com   web site is  active and will have more information in the coming weeks.  ALSO, My e-mail still works. Please contact me if you have Questions!!!!!!

EDGEWOOD COUNTRY CLUB   This is where we had our 50th reunion. The E.C.C. is a very nice venue. We have been treated very well there in the past & they do this kind of event many times over during the year. Marilyn has done great work to make this possible.  Pro: We have used them before and they have very high, acceptable standards. Hotels are near by with reasonable rates.  We will check out the hotels before we finalize anything. Con: None I think think of at this time.
